Sunday, April 3, 2011

Laredo Teachers March

I attended the Saturday morning march sponsored by the local chapter of the TSTA. 

In speaking with the TSTA representatives, I found out that they are for a tax increase if there is no other way to fund education.  I told them even if the rainy day fund is totally spent, there would still be a shortfall, unless all the budget cuts were directed to other state agencies.  I doubt this will happen.  So, the TSTA representatives said, there were for a tax increase, but would not describe what kind of increase.  When asked directly if they would support an income tax, they said no they would not.  I am not sure the state TSTA would agree with that, but so be it.

Anyway, I am glad that the TSTA got their march off OK.  I believe that as Americans, we have the right of open protest, of which this march was a classic example.

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