Monday, February 28, 2011

Mondays Always Bring Questions

Here's a list of questions for you to contemplate, some rhetorical:

1.   How does the sheriff describe money you send to Washington on April 15th? 

2.  Where are all our young leaders?  We never hear from anyone under 40 years of age in this town.  How can that be?

3.  Who will be the "first" in Laredo to get a texting ticket?  Maybe they should be treated like the first baby born every New Years day.  How about we gather some cash and hold it in reserve for their defense?

4.  How much money is really in the reserve fund from the Sports Venue Tax?  Is it just $20m or more?

5.  Will Scott Walker, Gov. Wisconsin, win out over the unions?

6  What happened to "civility" in politics?  Seems to have flown the coop when the labor unions got into the fray.

7.  Will we ever have an investigative press presence in this town?  Other than LareDos....I doubt it.

8.  Will the Texas state budget be as bad as some predict?  Why the  $10b range in budget deficit estimates?
Wish list vs. needs, maybe?

9.  Will Texas raise taxes?  Income, no;  fees, probably;  property, no;  gas, no.........

10.  Who cares about the Oscars?

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