Sunday, January 30, 2011

San Antonio Lawmaker Proposing That S.A. Mayor Pick Board Members

Is this a good idea?  An elected mayor getting to pick 3 at large school board members without the voters being involved.  This is what is being proposed by San Antonio state representative Mike Villarreal (D).

Check out the article here:

I cannot ever believe that San Antonian's will ever give this much power to a mayor.  I hope our mayor is not watching this and getting big ideas. 

While I constantly am chastising the local school boards (which there should only be one), I would never want to take away the citizens right to pick their own school board members.  Never!  Even with the safe guards they say will be added in.  Again, never give up your power as a citizen.  It can only lead to bad things.


  1. Hello Tom, I agree that the Mayor should not pick any of the trustees. What would qualify a Mayor do so is beyond me. However, I would like to see our Mayor and city council take a strong role in promoting education as much as is within their power. Although Mayor Castro, at present, cannot appoint anybody to the board, it has not stopped him from putting education in the spotlight, as it should be.

  2. Max, Agreed, I think all city and county goverment officials, as well as the city's business community need to be involved in the school district. Just not in a political manner.

    To Mayor Castro's credit, he did not ask for this power, and I think would be hesitant to use it. However, there are Mayors who would love this power.
