Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday Jan. 27

School District Budget Crisis

Maybe it is "really, really" time to consider consolidating UISD and LISD to take some of the bite out of the upcoming budget cuts.  At least consider it for the children.

By consolidating we could finally trim administrative cost from both districts and use that offset to keep teachers on the payroll.  Do it for the children.

Consolidation would also bring efficiencies and savings to purchasing, maintenance, transportation, and other service areas that would result in cost savings that would help keep teachers on the job.  Do it for the children.

One less school board meeting to have to deal with.  One set of city wide rules for schools.  Do it for the children.

UISD, LISD, it is time to put the children first!   (Where have I heard that?)

San Antonio Express News Proposes Gasoline Tax Tied to Inflation.....Can LMT be Far Behind?

Yesterday the SA Express News, in an editorial, proposed that Texas raise the gas tax and index it to inflation to assure that Texas will be able to build the roads we need in the future.

Not once did the editorial mention looking at cutting fat and inefficiencies from the TxDOT budget.  Say for example we get rid of the "Buckle Up" TV campaign.  I think we all know by now that it is illegal to drive in Texas without wearing a seat belt.  TxDot spends millions on this advertising and enforcement program.  I know, that would take away some overtime for local police who are paid by TxDOT to enforce seat belt laws.  Too bad. 

Nor did the SA Express News mention that we need to trim the 30% plus cost of environmental studies that are conducted on every construction project.  Yes, for every million spent on highway construction we spend over $330,000.00.  Many of these studies are done on existing roadways that had already been previously studied for original construction.  This is outrageous and needs to be addressed.  No wonder we don't have new roads on the pace we need them.

The legislature is supposed to address the practice of taking money from the highway fund and using it on pet projects and as supplemental money for other budget items.

And just a question for the SA Express News:  If you index the gas tax to inflation, and inflation increases by 1.2%, and the gas tax is $0.12 would our new gas tax be $0.13, or $0.12144? 

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