“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own —
nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear:
You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired
workers the rest of us paid to educate; you all were safe in your factory
because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. ...
“You built a
factory, and it turned into something terrific or a great idea? God bless. Keep
a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a
hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.”
-- Elizabeth Warren
Just north of Mission, Texas. |
This is the now famous quote that President
Obama employed a month or so ago at one of his campaign rallies. “We Did Build That” is now the theme of the
2012 Republican National Convention.
These 121 words could initiate the downfall of
many Democratic house and senate seats this fall, as well as being used in the
defeat of President Obama in the election.
Fact, the United States was not built by a
government, but by the people. There
were no roads, teachers, firemen or policemen when the first Americans
arrived. But over generations, the
people built those things, after they established businesses and trade. Then, they built the government.
Anyway, let’s take a look at those words.
“The rest of us paid for”: Literally translated that implies that “you,”
the business owner, received something paid for by “us.” And that implies that “you” paid nothing.
“Underlying social contract”: The only social contract I know of in the
United States is not underlying. It is
called the Constitution of the United
States of America. It is law, and is
not to be ignored by any American. There
is no other “social contract.” No one
can force you to like someone, hire or fire a particular individual without
cause. No one can make you believe
something you don’t want to. No one can
chose what business you wish to enter, or prevent you from entering a lawful
one. A “social contract” is something
that the liberals wish could be made law, a law where they could control your
thinking and beliefs, thereby controlling your lives even more.
But the President, Elizabeth Warren, and many
other mainstream media types have ignored the Constitution. If they would have bothered to read the
Constitution, they would understand that the powers for “any” (federal, state
and local) government are granted by the people. This means that there IS NO GOVERNMENT IF THE
PEOPLE DON”T WANT ONE. And since the
people want a government, the people tax themselves (through a representative
form of government) and the people built those roads, bridges, hired those
teachers, firemen, and police officers.
And an American business owner is one of those people. The United States government is powerless
without the will of the people. It is
that simple.
One thing the Constitution does not guarantee
is that all Americans will be equal in desire, competitiveness, understanding,
and the willingness to sacrifice for achievement. These are things the government does not
teach. These are lessons that are learned in life and that are passed down
generation to generation. The
Constitution does not guarantee that any one person will be successful, nor be
equal in income or life’s outcomes.
Now by reading the Warren/Obama quote as a
playbook for a social contract they wish they could force upon us, I would
conclude they wanted America to operate something like this:
The Government shall:
Have the power to chose what profession the citizens
Have the power to set a “living” wage with a
cap on maximum income that can be earned by the citizen, in the name of
Have the power to determine where the citizen
may live. To be determined by a mix of
job type, ethnicity, and sex. We must be
All citizens will be taught a uniform curriculum
determined by the Government.
Decide when and where to build any government
building or project. Citizens will have
no say.
Determine and enforce the citizens diet, to
help keep health care cost down.
Determine the citizens medical treatments.
Pay Government employees more than non-government
citizens. This is needed so the best,
brightest and indoctrinated citizen will work for the government.
Shall determine what type of vehicle and home
the citizen shall use and occupy.
Now, I may have gone overboard on the
government shall list, but I warn you, some people see that as a dream they are
Anyway, let’s keep America great. You and your ancestors DID BUILD THAT.