Friday, March 29, 2013

Nanny Mayor Bloomberg quote: ""there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom."

Our favorite nanny, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was quoted as saying, "there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom."

Now this is one of the most bizarre statements I have heard from a politician in a long time.  In a nation where "the people" are deemed to have the power, not the government, what gives him the right to think that he, or any other elected or hired public figure has the authority to "infringe on our freedoms" without due process of law?

It is this mindset that seems to be driving a lot of politicians these days, and no I am not only talking about democrats.  Both parties are infected with those that think they, and their supporters, are above the law of the land, the United States Constitution.

We, the American people, need to stop these folks like Bloomberg, for they are truly dangerous and present a threat to America.  Again, not a republican or democrat issue.

Where have politicians obtained the idea that they know what is best for the people, and that no matter what means they use, their ideas must be embraced and that they should never be questioned?  Just because you win an election does not mean you have supreme powers over the people.  You, as an elected official are put in place TO REPRESENT US, NOT RULE US.

I am going to use the example of the last trip to Austin by our city leaders, not to pick on Laredo politicians, because they are only doing what every other major political body representing cities in the country do when it comes to lobbying for state and federal money,

Since when did it become necessary for a city, you name it, to have to travel to a state capitol, and "bribe" members of the legislature into providing state funding for needed projects?  Since when did paying for food and drinks for state, and federal politicians become a necessity to assure that needed legislation is passed?  I know, well, state A does it, and city B does it, and if we do not do it, we will be left out in the cold.

Are our state and federal legislators now left to pick and choose which legislation they will vote for, and which funding they will authorize, be based on the quality of the booze and food at a "reception held in their honor"?  (Note the word honor really does not apply to those politicians who demand gifts to do their jobs)  I hope we have not fallen that far as a nation.

So, to our politicians,both state and federal, do us all a favor, and tell the cities they no longer have to throw parties for you to get you to approve funding and legislation.  Tell them you will pass the legislation and approve the funding based on the merit of the bill.  You know, like you promised when you took your oath of office.

PS:  Nanny Bloomberg, you really need to read the U.S. Constitution.

1 comment:

  1. The prostitution of the U.S. Constitution? "We know what’s good for you!" We are staring the End of Days in the face y’all. Pick a side! I am a Sheepdog and HE is with me!
