Monday, August 8, 2011


A Rural School in Kansas
   I have a few suggestions for Laredo on how to cope with the new school year which will be upon us in a very short while.

  1.  Expect traffic to double, especially during rush hour and lunch time.  Until I lived in Laredo a couple of years I could not figure this out.  In other cities I have lived in, there was never a real noticeable increase in traffic, except for the school buses entering the traffic volumes.  But, I have figured out that no child can walk or ride a bike to school in Laredo.  Nor can children, especially middle and high school age, can be expected to ride the public provided school buses.  It just is not cool in Laredo to ride the bus.  And parents are very willing to chauffeur little Johnny or Susie to school.  Why is that?  I really would like an answer to this question.

  2.  Expect long lines at restaurants in the near future when the school teachers have "in service" days or any day they do not have kids in class.  Now I have no problem with herds of teachers going out to lunch.  But please, help us out by getting one ticket for you table, and you do the math to see how much you owe.  Teachers always create long lines when leaving the  restaurant because they insist on separate checks.  Please, DO THE MATH, and help out the rest of us who also have a schedule to adhere to.

  3.  This is really part of item 1, but I segmented it.  Writers prerogative.  Expect mom's and dad's taking their kids to school to drive like idiots.  We need to prepare for this.  It is bad enough that many Laredo drivers think their time is more valuable than yours and cut you off and race to be first in line at stop lights.  But during school time, this problem is magnified 1,000 times.  Parents on kid chauffeur duty are much worse and will not obey traffic laws and basic traffic courtesy.  Expect it, be ready for it.  PS, also expect the police to only be concerned about the occasional speeder  or cell phone user in "school zones."  As for the rest of the city streets,  you are on your own.

  A for me, I will still try to take my time, and avoid using curse words that I have saved from last year. 


  1. Tom: your points are answered below.

    1) The notion of why kids are driven to school cannot be fully explained to your satisfaction. However, I would like to respectfully suggest you group this one under a general "softness" of Laredo parents. Yes, the same ones who are clamoring for school to be cancelled when the mercury dips below 50 degrees.

    In a way, its like Goldilocks. Its always either too hot or too cold for the masses of parents.

    2)This cannot be done. Laredo teachers need money for gas. Divvying up a bill is tantamount to chaos less you get to pay an extra dollar or two. Chalk this up to Laredoans being codos. La Better Half's co-workers, for instance, earns a good $60K plus and has another nice check coming in from her family's gas holdings. But, she never tips. So, I see this all combined under a broad umbrella of being codo

    3) I hate to break this to you, but its not just Laredo parents on kiddie patrol that drive poorly. Its the whole goddamn town! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

  2. BT, I concede to your local knowledge…and agree that most Laredo drivers consider traffic laws as “suggestions.” However, I will continue to look for the elusive answer as to why kids cannot ride the bus. I did until I was a junior in high school and had a job and played sports.

    PS, hope you can get back to the blog in the future.
